The general meeting of National Company for the supply of fields and oil ports for the year 2019.


The general meeting of National Company for Supply of Oilfields and Ports for the year 2019 was held at NOC headquarters in Tripoli, headed by NOC Chairman.

The activities of the company were reviewed during 2019, which included financial, legal, safety, environment and digital transformation.

The most important challenges facing the company and the most appropriate ways to overcome were discussed.  The operational budget for 2019, the proposed budget for 2020, debts due from sector companies and some of the state’s sovereigns and observations contained in the report of the monitoring body were also discussed.

NOC Ch6airman and members of the Board of Directors praised the unprecedented efforts made by the Chairman and members of the Management Committee and the employees of the company in providing distinguished services for various oil sites, facilities and from ports and fields.

The Chairman of the Management Committee in charge of the company thanked NOC Chairman and members of the Board of Directors expressing his appreciation for the unlimited support in achieve the required results.

NOC Chairman expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Chairman and members of the Administration Committee and all employees of the company in maintaining the continuity of work, and stressed the need to maintain the food safety of workers in different locations and oil fields, and to seek the assistance of experienced people from the national cadres in developing appropriate plans to improve performance and reach the required level.  He also stressed the need to communicate with international inspection companies with an excellent reputation and strong technical solvency in maintaining environmental programs and worker safety.

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