HNEC launches election registration campaign

HNEC billboard (Photo: Social media)

As UN special envoy Ghassan Salamé together with Khalifa Hafter, Faiez Serraj, Ageela Saleh and other top Libyan players discuss having fresh elections, possibly as early as September next year, the High National Elections Commission (HNEC) has started an advertising campaign encouraging Libyans to register to vote.

Posters have been going up in Tripoli urging people to register by telephone by sending a text message with their national ID number and their locality.

Meanwhile France has become the second country to provide financial support for the election process. Yesterday it gave €200,000 to the UN’s programme Promoting Elections for the People of Libya (PEPOL). Ten days ago, the Dutch government committed $1.65 million to it.

French ambassador Brigitte Curmi and deputy UN special envoy and UNDP Libya head Maria Ribeiro shake hands after France hands over €200,000 to help elections in Libya (Photo: UNSMIL)

The aim of the $23.5-million programme, to be implemented by the UNDP through training and various other activities, is to help HNEC to manage election in line with international standards and to promote public awareness over the next three years. An agreement was signed last week setting it up by the UN and HNEC head Emad Al-Sayeh.

It is due to start work at the beginning of next year and will have a before the end of the month due to last three years, starting will start next year.

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